Thursday, May 7, 2015

The List

Packing has been an adventure in and of itself, and trying to fit an entire summer into a 18 gallon bin has been a challenge for my self diagnosed Chronic Overpacking Syndrome (COpS). The list is as follows.

In the bin
-3 pairs of cycling shorts
-3 Bike and Build cycling jerseys
-3 pairs of Nike shorts
-3 tshirts (Freedom Friday shirt included, obviously)
-1 pair of sneakers
-1 pair of cycling shoes
-1 cycling cap
-Arm and leg sleeves
-6 pairs of socks (moisture wicking of course)
-1 sleeping bag
-1 thermarest (compact air mattress)
-1 FGCU hoodie (will double as pillow)
-1 quick dry towel
-Other normal toiletries
-5 extra tire tubes
-40 protein bars/packs of Sport Beans
-2 lbs of homemade beef jerky (thanks Sonny)
-PVC muscle roller

In the backpack
-3 liter water bladder
-First aid kit
-Teva sandals
-Rain jacket

I'm sure I'm missing things but you get the idea, very minimalistic. There will also be mail drops along the way, almost every week. If you'd like to send me letters or goodies, the link to all of the places is below, and remember I'm on the Southern U.S. route! I know I will cherish notes greatly during the trip.,com_wrapper/Itemid,347/

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