Thursday, July 30, 2015

Saying Goodbyes

We were allowed to stay at our host in Monterey for two nights upon our arrival and although we had to say goodbye to a few Sunday morning including Lisa, Noah, Rowan, Lauren, and Margaret- we got most of the gang for one more night. Tucker ran in the San Fransisco Half Marathon Sunday morning (but still came back for dinner that evening) and most of us spent the day packing up our bikes and exploring town. 

It was ridiculously weird waking up and not having anywhere to be or anything to do in anticipation for the next town we were going to be in. I gave my bike a solid degreasing that day because 'why not?' We drank coffee without worrying if the sweeps would catch up to us and went thrifting without thinking of if the stuff would fit in our bins. Almost like normal life.

Saying goodbye on Monday morning was one of the harder things I've ever had to do. I must admit that as I fell asleep on Sunday night I teared up in anticipation of Monday. Letting each member of this family so close to my heart and knowing that I was equally close to theirs hurts so much when we realized that we will forever be scattered around the country never again living in the moments we were about to leave behind.

Josh walked me out to the car while my parents had gone in and said their own goodbyes and we stood there as distraught as ever. I was headed South with them towards San Diego to see family and he was headed North to San Fransisco to catch a flight back to Ohio. Unfortunately there's no guide book on how to say goodbye to the most genuine, loving, and good hearted person you meet on a cross country cycling trip for affordable housing so we just didn't say it (dodged that bullet, am I right?).

All of our group chats buzzed here and there throughout the day and the Snapchats still haven't slowed down, but we have all recognized that this summer's journey has come to a close. We are always a part of Bike and Build and always will have these 28 people to depend on no matter what, but Natalie left us with this while at the Grand Canyon and I thought it'd be appropriate to share now-

“It occurred to me, as it sometimes does, that this day is over and will never be lived again, that we are only the sum of days, and when those are spent, we will not come back to this place, to this time, to these people and these colors, and I wonder whether to be sad about this or to be happy, to trust that these moments were meant for some kind of enjoyment, as a kind of blessing. And if feels, tonight, as if there is much to think about, there is much we have been given and much we have left behind.” - Donald Miller

1 comment:

  1. I've read a couple of Donald Miller's books - Blue Like Jazz and, most recently, Scary Close. The latter being an excellent read and this closing quote might just be from that book. I'm not a huge fan of his writing style, but it was full of great life wisdom that so many people lack.

    And that is something about this summer you will have gained. So much wisdom about so many things. Not just life and friendship, but also about our country, good folks and communities along the way and, naturally, you, yourself and you! A life adventure and I feel so honored and proud to have shared it with you in these small ways (blog, snapchat, mail posts and pictures).

    Thank you! :0)

    And I have such a heavy heart about the guy who lost his life just days ago on his own Bike & Build experience. It's such a tragedy for everyone. I just can't get my brain around it because it just spirals out in so many directions when I reflect on how awful this accident is.

    I prayed hard for you all along the way. For you to be blessed, healthy, safe and well. For it to be a good life altering experience you will never forget. And mostly that you would come home to Florida safe. And you are not quite here yet, but I'm so glad you completed your trip in good health and good company.

    Peace! :0)

