Tuesday, March 31, 2015

NIRSA 2015

I have been given the opportunity to travel with FGCU's Campus Recreation Department to the Annual NIRSA Conference in Dallas, Texas. The National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association (or NIRSA) is pretty much the governing body for campus rec departments all across the country. This means that more than 500 colleges and universities are all staying in this beautiful hotel/conference center/campus/city named the Gaylord Texan.

It is yet another example of how in incredibly grateful I am that I can attend these events and participate in these learning experiences. Honestly, who else can just up and leave school and responsibilities for a week mid semester to go network and make connections that will hopefully last long into my professional career?

Needless to say, I am not on the bike this week, although I have my 65 mile ride on Saturday. I may plan to ride in and around Sarasota, FL for a change of scenery. We have been given the task of reading and reviewing articles on affordable housing, some of which have really touched me personally and put more meaning behind this summer's ride. I will go more in depth on that next time, back to business for now! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Less than 50...

Just two months until it's me and the open roads- and the 30 other incredible people that I get to share this journey with.

I cannot wait for the days where my only job is to get from Point A to Point B in one piece. All of the school work and responsibilities are piling up and the reality that I will be virtually freed from them for 77 days is exactly what I need. Everything about my college experience feels perfect, but my only wish is that I hadn't confined myself to South Florida for so long.

Training has been great, my 65 mile ride is coming up soon and I am a little nervous to tackle that challenge alone. If anyone has any ideas of a good route or some scenic trails, please let me know- I'd love suggestions on a way to spend a Saturday!
An attempt to ride a friend's beach cruiser- almost rode it into the pool.

Spranngg Breakkk

Over break I went with friends from the East Coast on a 6 day camping/kayaking/biking trip in Apopka, FL, which is just north of Orlando. We called it Glamping (Glamorous Camping) because we stayed in a 14 bed dorm with access to bathrooms and showers. And Publix.

The setup was much how I imagine I'll be spending my summer- jumping in rivers in the afternoon, swinging in hammocks in the evening, all concluded by a great meal surrounded by amazing people.

We spent the days riding mountain bike trails- sliding in the sand from weak tread on old tires and riding down central Florida sinkholes.

We also rode in a 40 mile Catrike rally. A Catrike is a recumbent bike, usually with three wheels. Most of these riders have disabilities that prevent them from cycling on regular road bikes. It was incredibly inspiring nonetheless to see these riders cycle the West Orange Trail at an outstanding pace.